Have you ever held a role at the club? You may be able to help!

With the addition to the board of three new directors this season things are really starting to look up off the field. Whilst we were not in any financial difficulty prior to their arrival I wanted to take a look back at previous boardroom changes at the club and the circumstances surrounding them.

The most significant period of change was in the early 1980s and I have already published one article looking at that period through the eyes of the match day programme, but I am wanting to delve deeper and cover other angles.
So I would like to appeal for help from anyone who was involved with the club in any capacity during any period which saw boardroom changes take place. If you sat on a committee of any sort (or have means of contacting someone who did), helped in the shop, sold programmes, cleaned the dressing rooms, sat on the board or whatever you did, please get in touch with me via email (danhayes1881@gmail.com) as I would love to chat to you.
Many thanks