Liverpool Echo, 13-11-1916
That Edgar Chadwick should have turned out again was one of the many surprises on Saturday; that Everton and Liverpool should once again have gained “the double,” and by the same score, was another surprise; that Birmingham could only draw, and that Lincoln should beat Notts County, were other surprises; but the best and most striking surprise of all was Liverpool’s victory at Southport, where few teams get away with a point. Liverpool, bear in mind, had lost their centre-forward and goalkeeper, and relied upon James Ashcroft again; while at centre, Bennett, the South Liverpool pivot, who has been having a goaling time , he has, I believe, been previously tried by Everton and Liverpool , was given the vacancy, Waine, the Liverpool winger, going over to South and scoring two goals for them. Altogether these surprises tend to keep intense interest in the war-games, and our locals are certainly fighting a brilliant battle.
Liverpool hold the fort, and thereby create a tremendous interest in the visit of the Rovers next Saturday. “F.E.H.,” commenting on the Anfield win, says: –
By their pronounced and emphatic victory over Southport on Saturday, the Anfielders not only confounded the prophets , who had almost unanimously predicted disaster , but enchanced their reputation as a clever and consistent team. It was generally agreed that the absence of two such stalwarts as Pagnam and Longworth would provide the strong Southport side with a fine opportunity of being the first to lower the colours of the only unbeaten club in the Lancashire Section of the League. As matters eventuated, the visitors, after beginning in quiet vein, gradually assumed the whip hand, and, although they were only one up at the turn, they had shown themselves the superior side. In the second period Southport made desperate efforts not only to reduce the leeway but to gain ascendency, and for a time, to their credit be it said, they played really smart football. The Anfielders, however, were not to be shaken, and though challenged right up to the finish, they ran out very comfortable winners.
Bennett, who is known as a useful and resourceful forward, filled the centre position with tact and ability. His finishing was at times lacking but he managed to keep the wings fairly well together. The halves, fortunately, were on their best behaviour, and there can be little doubt that the victory was mainly due to their stability. At the same time, praise must be awarded to Speakman and Lucas, who kept the bases of the triangle while at the apex Ashcroft performed prodigies. His activity and anticipation in dealing with shots from Lightfoot, Caulfield, and Merritt commanded the applause of even the home supporters; and he must be readily forgiven the shot from Watson that found the target in the closing stages of the contest. Two of Liverpool’s goals came from Metcalf, who was, for once in a way, in luck. This clever little player has experienced rather tragic series of missed opportunities of late, and his success on Saturday should stimulate him further success. Joe Donnachie showed much of his old-time skill, but the other wing pair were always the more prominent, and dangerous. The Central are undeniably a a strong side, and Abrams, one of the cleverest half backs in first-class football, was perhaps the most brilliant man on the field.
Finding Portsmouth more convenient than Southampton, Pagnam helped the Portsmouth team which lost 1-0.
Match Details
Match Details - 11/11/1916
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