Presentation of Medals


Presentation of Medals.

Liverpool Evening Express – Wednesday 27th May 1903

After a pleasant dinner at Hayes’ Restaurant, Southport, last night, the, Lancashire League championship medals were presented to the Southport Central team. The chairman of the club (Mr. W. Robinson) presided. He said that the past year had been one of the most successful in the history of the club. They had won the championship of the Lancashire League, and also the Chorley Charity Cup. The financial position also was one of the best they had had. They had tried to get a step higher, but they had not been successful and were practically where they were before. The Deputy-Mayor, in presenting the medals, said they would have in their minds what hapened on the previous day in London. He was disappointed to a degree, but the disappointment was lessened by hearing certain statements made by representatives of other clubs. He did not want to say anything that would be detrimental to Southport in any future application they might make, but he thought that those gentlemen who were responsible on Monday created a dangerous precedent in admitting Bradford, for in so doing they had allowed the question of finance to supersede that of merit. Other speeches followed.