21/12/1872 Seaforth (Away) Draw
M.Smith and C.A.Schofield noted in the report. Full Line-Up Not Available.
11/01/1873 Birkenhead (Away) Draw – No score
Chamberlain, J.Fletcher (full backs); M.Smith, (¾ backs); C.A.Schofield, P.M.Hunter (½ backs); R.W.Smith (Capt.), S.Lord, H.P.Stephenson, J.Schofield, G.F.Schofield, Gregory, Pryce, G.A.Thomson, G.Nicholson, McCulloch, A.Fletcher, Steele, Jones (forwards)
25/01/1873 Claughton (Away) Draw – 10QW v 2QW.
C.A.Schofield, P.M.Hunter (full backs); R.W.Smith (Capt.) (¾ backs); Hargreaves, Bath (½ backs); S.Lord, Gregory, Pryce, H.P.Stephenson, N.Barron, J.Schofield, S.Allen, G.Nicholson (forwards)
08/02/1873 WIGAN (Home) Draw – No score
C.A.Schofield, P.M.Hunter (full backs); R.W.Smith (Capt.), A.D.Burnyeat (¾ backs); G.F.Schofield, Batty (½ backs); Gregory, Pryce, N.Barron, J.Schofield, H.P.Stephenson, S.Allen, Magnell, Bracewell (forwards)
15/02/1873 Dingle (Away) Draw – 1G, 3T v 1G, 1 T
C.A.Schofield, P.M.Hunter (full backs); R.W.Smith (Capt.) (¾ backs); G.F.Schofield, Millington (½ backs); A.D.Burnyeat, Johnson (¼ backs); N.Barron, Gregory, Cox, Ball, Atkinson, Rigg, H.V.Pigot, W.Milner, G.Nicholson, Ray, Cannon, Jenkinson (forwards)
08/03/1873 Wigan (Away) Draw
C.A.Schofield, P.M.Hunter (Capt.) (full backs); W.Milner, Batty (½ backs); G.F.Schofield, H.V.Pigott (¼ backs); Pryce, Littledale, S.Lord, Gregory, H.V.Pigot, Hussey, Wallace, Bracewell (forwards)
15/03/1873 ORMSKIRK (Home) Win – 2G, 7T & 6 “Gongs” v 0
A.D.Burnyeat, N.Barron H.V.Pigot, G.F.Schofield, S.Lord, Batty noted in the report. Full Line-Up Not Available.
Only 7 fixtures were found for this first season with a final record of Played 7, Won 1, Drew 6.