From it’s inception Southport Central’s financial position had always been a cause for concern. Indeed by January 1891 the Southport Visiter reported that “the Central club is over £500 in debt, and the committee are making every effort to wipe off the deficit. It is to be hoped the working classes, for whom football is so largely catered, will rally to their support. “
Over the course of the 1890/91 season the committee laid on concerts, dances and a series of events at the Shakespeare known as “Smokers” in order to raise funds. These were social events featuring sketches and songs, and they were largely successful. It would not be unusual for the Visiter, however, to make passing comment on one or two of the first team being spotted a little worse for wear after such an event.
On the evening of Thursday 12th November 1891, Central held their second annual entertainment show at the Cambridge Hall to raise funds for the Club.
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