Player Search

I have had a fair bit of time on my hands during lockdown and made some progress in my quest to get the date and place of birth for every player to have played NL football for the club as well as, when possible, trying to obtain a photo of the player either current or from their playing days.

I decided to add in those that have played in the minor NL Cup matches which means the list has increased and it remains a work in progress.

Google searches have thrown up some interesting information. I have also tried contacting various companies when it looks like a possible match with some success.

Sadly, it has also brought to light three more NL players who have passed away that we knew nothing of.

My last appeal brought some success from supporters and former players. What I did find however was the players coming forward were ones who have played a lot of games for the club which invariably means I have the data.

The majority of gaps remaining are now the players who made under 20 appearances for the club and in some cases made one sub appearance in 1986. Impossible to trace? Maybe, but, with the likes of Twitter and Facebook you never know, I might get lucky. I have had a few players come forward who didn’t think I would want to hear from them as they made a single appearance. Far from it these are the ones I need most.

Simply put, all help is appreciated in tracking any player down on the list MISSING DATA

Tab 1 is the full list, Tab 2 is youth players who have made a cup start.

If the link doesn’t work for any reason let me know and I will send it out by e-mail.

So. If you know of anyone on the list, get them to contact me either by mail to or call 077900-41514 or if anyone fancies assisting with a bit of sleuthing on Twitter, Facebook or any other social media please have a go.

It’s a big task but I’m sure we can still reduce the gaps a bit more?

I also have a few photos of youth players from 2009/10 who played cup games which aren’t named so if you were involved around then and maybe able to put names to faces please let me know.

Thank you.

Rob Urwin