Some lines about John Waddington

Lancashire Evening Post: December 2, 1905

Amid all the changes in the Southport team this season John Waddington, the outside left, has deservedly maintained his place. Central’s fortunes are assuredly darkened this year, yet Waddington has consistently played good football.

He has had the disheartening experience of frequently changing partners on the left wing, where he plays outside. There can be little doubt that had the Sandgrounders managed to secure an inside left of the calibre they have usually had, Waddington would have been even more serviceable. Lack of adequate support has spoiled many a promising effort on his part.

Although Waddington cannot take the ball on the run very well, he can usually be relied on to make forceful progress when his feet command the leather. His centres are a feature of his play, and in the earlier stages of the season particularly they were a source of great delight to the Southport spectators.

Lately, however, his play has suffered somewhat from the disappointment which seems inevitably to overtake a team so strikingly down on its luck as the Central organisation has been.

He is 25 years of age, and stands, 5ft. 7½in. For the last five years he has been a particularly active footballer. After a season with Chorley he went to Liverpool Reserves, from which he migrated to an Irish League club. Blackpool last season secured his services as an outside right, and when McEwen was transferred to Bolton Wanderers he was changed to the other extreme.